Monday 7 October 2013

Tips for Buyers to Survive Estate Agent's Tricks

This article by Henry Pryor of theguardian on October 6th, 2013 reveals the guidelines that buyers should follow when dealing with estate agents.

Estate agents are not your friends. They work for the seller and are paid by the seller to get the best deal for the seller.

You wouldn't play poker with all your cards face up on the table, so don't be tempted to explain why you're moving, how much you have to spend (say "we hope that we won't have to spend more than X"), or that you need to be in by January. These will all be used against you when you fall in love with the right home. The agent will know how far he can push you, how little time you have to find something, or that you have already lost out on five other houses and you've threatened divorce if you don't get this one. Don't be panicked into buying and most of all, don't be afraid to make an offer.

Here are my tips for buyers:

Agents get paid when deals are done. They are therefore keen to find a buyer who is serious. To make sure you are the first to be called when a new property becomes available, make sure the agent knows you are ready to go. Cash in the bank is better than someone who needs a mortgage. Someone in rented accommodation can move faster than someone with a property to sell.

Ignore tempting discounts or incentives to buy a new-build property. If someone is paying your stamp duty or moving costs then it's in the price and you will pay for it over the next 25 years of your mortgage.
■ Confirm every conversation you have with an agent. Viewing appointments, offers made, bids rejected together with the terms of any offer. Agents like people who know what they're doing and you will look like you have bought and sold before.

■ Ignore invitations to rush to see a property or to be panicked into bidding. Fewer than 10% of homes for sale in any one month sell. Proceed in your own time – there are 24m other homes in the UK.

■ Don't get your finance from the selling agent's financial services company. Get a quote, but then discuss it with your own mortgage adviser.

Don't assume that the guide price is anything more than an indication of the owner's greed or the agent's enthusiasm to get the job. Be confident and make an offer. A house is worth what you and the seller agree, not what the agent thinks it's worth.

■ Double-check everything you are told. Is it quiet on a Friday or Saturday night? Are there neighbours from hell? Is the road a rat-run and does the roof leak?

■ Don't be fooled into thinking that a bank valuation is for your benefit. It's for the lender and you have no comeback on the surveyor.

■ Don't expect an agent to send you new properties when they are available. Keep in touch, go and see possible properties and look serious. You'll be amazed how much you will learn from frequent contact.

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